Sunday, September 22, 2013

First day of autumn... Kinda

When you live in Florida the change of seasons isn't as dramatic as it is up north. I did realize that though it won't be COLD it will get cooler and I was very unprepared for Gavin. He's already outgrown every pair of socks and shoes we had for him. Thank God for consignment. I bought some adorable shoes. We have lots of long sleeve onsies and pants, some hoodies and some wind breaker jackets. Now if only it wasn't still 90+ degrees everyday! Haha I'm not complaining. I'm not ready to give up the pool and beach just yet. But I am prepared now for when "autumn" shows up.

Since my last blog post was mainly a huge thank you to everyone who has made life in Florida a blessing for us, I will give a big update on Gavin now.

Our sweet blessing turned 4 months on the 11th. This was the same day that I found out I was pregnant last year! How can that even be real!? He is developing so well that every day is a new milestone for him. Often I want to cry and take him and freeze time. I'm so proud to see him doing so well but it's just all too fast! Everyone says "they grow up so fast" but man I didn't think it was fast while I was a kid- on this side of the fence it's lightning speed!

Let's see some of the milestones he's already accomplished:
-he's just about 17lbs now. Which means he's gained 6-7 lbs in 4 months time
- he is a social butterfly just like his daddy! He absolutely loves interacting with people but especially other children/babies. He has a friend Toby who was a Mother's Day baby born the day after Gavin!
-he rolls over like a champ! His first roll was from tummy to back which he did every day for a week and promptly went on a rolling strike. About a week later he started rolling back to belly which he will do every single time you put him on his back now. He only rolls over his left shoulder though. He seems to get stuck on his side if he tries to roll the other way.
- he still loves to be outside. He has since day 1. Literally. He's been to parks, the beach, walking around our neighborhood. He is always so good when we are outside and really seems to enjoy it.
- he has gotten great hand eye coordination and brings all the toys he plays with to his mouth.
- we are still exclusively breast feeding! Wooo! We have absolutely no intention to stop anytime soon! Keep on nursing baby boy!
- he has started to get teeth. He's been chewing on his fingers like crazy lately. All the text books say they get their bottom teeth first so I've been checking daily. Well apparently Gavin's teeth didn't read the text books because his top front two teeth have already started making their way out!

Here are some of the things we've been doing with him lately:
He's been wearing his amber necklace 24/7 for about 8 weeks now. I truly believe its making a difference in his discomfort with the teething. We are also doing sign language with him. There is so much research that toddlers have less meltdowns when they can communicate their needs. Babies can sign much earlier than they can speak so we use signs daily. Some of the signs are: nurse, eat, more, change, bath, mama, daddy, dirty, please, sorry, play, ball... Etc. We have also decided to start trying elimination communication. We haven't had a success yet, but we've only just started and I'm sure we will get there soon.

My current research is on baby lead solids. The common term is baby led weaning but since I have no intention to wean I don't like that phrase. But we have less than 2 months before he gets his first bite of food so I want to be prepared. The idea of gagging/choking totally freaks me out! I am kinda excited that he can eat some sweet potatoes and stuff with us on thanksgiving though.

Every time he reaches one of these insane milestones I just want to cry. But I am trying to embrace every single stage and step in his life. We are SO enjoying his smile and giggles right now that I want it to last forever. But I know the next stage (eating and crawling ahhhh!!) will be just as fun and enjoyable.

This parenting thing truly is an amazing gift! Thank you God for choosing us to be Gavin's parents!!